Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Does anyone get this?

Besides me? Does the fact that I do certify me as a geek?

UPDATE: Now that I've got my replies, I guess I'll explain this. OH- Ions are created when you make a solution with a substance which is a "base". NaOH is a "base" compound. "Bases" are the opposites of "Acids" which create H+ Ions, an example of which is HCL(Hydro-Chloric Acid). So, by pouring OH- ions he's making it a "base"-ball. I didn't say it was funny, I said that I got it.

A final note: When you mix a solution of NaOH and HCL together you get........salty water. The H+ ions mix with the OH- ions to make H20 (di-hydrogen monoxide as mike put it) and the Na+ and CL- bond to make NaCL, or table salt.


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