Monday, October 20, 2003

Much Ado about...

OK, First things first. I have Laryngitis(I will have to spell check that). It has been coming on for a couple of days, and I cannot speak at all now. Now, I know what Mike is thinking(Yaaayyyyy!), but this bites! I have had, in the following order: Strep Throat, The Flu, a back injury, and now Laryngitis(check) within the last 2 months. I am tired of being sick! %&**&^%^%R*&%)&*^_)(&^*&@@#$#@$#@$#$#$#!!!!!!!!

Second, I am still trying to get PHP loaded correctly under Cygwin. The current issue is that I don't have the perl interpreter loaded(I do, but not under Cygwin). So, it is downloading as I type. Hopefully, apxs will execute, the configure script will run, and all will be happy with the world.

Thirdly, I spent so much time working on issue number two up there last week, that I forgot to finish building the PRIs on (Oh! for the love of pete! the freakin' Cygwin download halted! @#$%#@$#@$@$#@$#$#!) about six offices that were due Today! So, the entire morning was wasted on earning my salary building the things at top speed. Fortunately, I've done this enough times that I can handle these stressful moments without losing it.

Finally, Scott, an old friend, says he viewed the sight. I'm up to three breathing human beings having actually read something off of this thing. Time for a Beer!

Goody! The Cygwin download has resumed!

Update: The mighty blogger spell-checker couldn't find the word, so I had to google it. It appears that I spelled it correctly, amazing. The spell-checker also choked on "strep" but I think you know what I mean.


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