Friday, February 06, 2004

Will Wiretapping hurt VOIP

VOIP, for whomever doesn't know, stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. This is the technology that allows us use the internet to make telephone calls. I believe that, eventually, all telephone calls will travel over the internet(or a sub-network of the internet). However, since I make my living servicing the good old PSTN(Public Switch Telephone Network), I'm not in a big hurry to see this technology blossom.

A possible stumbling block for the technology will be whether or not the government will interfere with it. Case in point here, the FBI wants to be able to wiretap internet telephone calls, but not all VOIP providers are set up to allow direct access to their networks.

Now, I'm conflicted over this. On the one hand I think that government regulation of the internet is bad. Much of the cost of the current telephony system is directly due to the regulators. On the other hand, how is my company supposed to compete(we just had to implement CALEA, which cost us several million dollars) when one form of communication is taxed out the ying-yang, but the other one isn't? I think a better solution is to remove the current levels of taxation and regulation from all forms of communication and let the chips fall where they may.

Of course, the Baby Bells would probably crush us then. Like I said, I'm conflicted. Mostly though, I just want to keep getting paid.


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