Friday, June 11, 2004

Paging Mayor Quinby

"I Hate You People! You're all nothing but a bunch of Fickle Mushheads!" -- "Diamond" Joe Quinby
"He's Right" "Give us Hell Quinby" -- the crowd he's addressing

Both quotes are from the Simpsons "Whacking Day" episode.

Reading this article. The money Quote(for me anyway):

Fifty-three percent of respondents said the situation in Iraq did not merit war, while 43 percent said war was justified. When the same question was asked for Times polls in March and November, the numbers were precisely reversed.

I can understand people who think we shouldn't have gone. I can understand people who think we should. But I despise these people in between. They are perfectly willing to be gung ho until things turn bad, then they get cold feet. If you can't stomach the situation now, and you have so little imagination that you think things were always going to go great(though how you can think things were going great in November and March I don't know), then maybe next time you should just not respond when the pollster calls you. Politicians modify their behavior because of these things. When Bush was planning this war, his ratings were fairly positive. If you were fer it then and agin' it now, you need to know that the thing you now oppose is your own fault. It's not like we hadn't been through enough real world examples to understand how hard this would be.


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