Monday, February 14, 2005

That's KMC. No, we don't sell chicken...

I thought, seeing that I may or may not be working here much longer, that I'd post about my company and what's happened to us. I work for KMC Telecom, a CLEC(Competitive Local Exchange Carrier) that specialized in entering Tier 3 markets(Augusta, Chattanooga, Huntsville, etc.). I provision customer lines and trunks, as well as writing code to do this automatically. I've been doing this since September 2000.

On Feb 3rd, an announcement was made that TelCove and CenturyTel had purchased all of our Tier 3 assets. Basically they bought the switches and Fiber. KMC will still be doing business with their soft switches, something I was never involved with.

It has been suggested that some of us will have opportunities with the new companies, but no promises have been made. I am taking the wait and see approach for the moment. It looks as if we have a few months to go, no matter what the final decisions are.


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