Thursday, February 17, 2005


****First paragraph deleted for legal reasons****

And, believe it or not, I got a job offer today. It was a temp gig(just two months), though, and they wanted to start Monday, which is too soon. Plus, I had only the vaguest idea what they wanted me to do other than "Perl programming". I may regret turning it down, but I think it's important to give notice.

Finally, we have today's software. It took about two days for the software to index my machine, but after it was done I can, theoretically, search every document on my machine quickly. It's called Copernic, and it was the highest rated desktop search engine among the ones tested in this slate article. If someone has tried any of the others(like google's) and wants to recommend it let me know.


Blogger Scott said...

How is the "Copernic" program working for you? I've not tried any of these programs, and I am thinking about installing it.

I tried installing the google version when it first came out, but it isn't compatible with our firewall software for some strange reason.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

I've already purged it. It was interfering seriously with my laptop. It might work better on a more powerful machine, but on my 500 MHz PIII with 128 Megs of RAM it was causing serious delay whenever it updated it's index. Also, it didn't seem to do well with deleted files. I did a few searches and it reported entrys in files I knew I had already deleted. That's why I decided to go with the KeyNote program. Instead of searching through a pile of unorganized docs, I'm importing the information into that application.

7:16 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

That's dissapointing, but I'm not surprised. I know that people are always complaining about the resources that the Windows Indexing Service uses. PCMagazine recommended a different search program, I'm going to go back and try to find that article. I would love to find something that works well and doesn't bog down my machine.

Thanks for the advice.

9:17 AM  

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