Around about my birthday, Mike gave me copies of the first 9 Snicket books. I read the first one soon after, but couldn't seem to get started on the second. I finally finished the Reptile Room last week and started on the rest. At the moment, I'm up to the first chapter of Carnivorous Carnival. What I'm wondering is how many books are there supposed to be in the series. I can't really figure it out from the
official site. I noticed that each alliterative title is a new letter:
The (B)ad (B)eginning
The (R)eptile (R)oom
The (W)ide (W)indow
The (M)iserable (M)ill
The (A)ustere (A)cadamy
The (E)rsatz (E)levator
The (V)ile (V)illage
The (H)ostile (H)ospital
The (C)arnivorous (C)arnival
The (S)lippery (S)lope
The (G)rim (G)rotto
So, does that mean there are going to be 26 books? Good luck with X!